The Denver Art Museum is currently featuring around ten of Nancy Hemenway Barton’s tapestries as part of an exhibition that began on February 16, 2025 and will continue through October 19, 2025.
Nancy Hemenway Barton had close to 40 solo exhibitions throughout the world. Never represented by an agent or gallery, she made friendships and professional contacts through extraordinary effort. Museum acquisition of her work began early in her career and continues to this day. Several of her significant pieces remain in private collections that will go to museums upon the collector’s passing. If you are a curator for a museum or public institution and would like to know more about exhibiting Nancy Hemenway Barton’s work, please contact Rick Barton at krlfdb@aol.com or by calling 609-216-4084.
Roserock, 1982
Salt Forest, 1990
Talus, 1981
"I" of IOU from Message, 1988
Epiphyte, 1977
Photos by Eric Stephenson. Courtesy of the Denver Art Museum.
Elements I, 1978
Fall, 1979
Ascent, 1980
Bole, 1975
Nest, 1974
Aqua Lapis VIII, 1980
Salt Shadow, 1983
Lume II, 1985
Salt Wash, 1985
Rockbloom, 1980
Strata, 1981
Stone, Stone, 1975
Elements II, 1967-1981
Machu Pichu, 1968
Rock Lichen, 1975
Quahog, 1975
Flow of Inner Seeing II, 1981
Wave Length
Tipi Waterfall
Blazer, 1993
Ceremonial Blade, 1973
Amulet II, 1972
Atticus Luna, 1973
Moon Web, 1997
Basalt, 1980
Exhibition Timeline
2025 (planned)
Denver Art Museum
Confluence II included in Exhibit, Art and the Environment, Birmingham Museum of Art
2017 Retrospective, including exhibitions at:
University of New England Art Gallery, Portland, Maine
Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland, Maine
Institute of Contemporary Art at MECA, Portland, Maine
Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine
Bates Olin Art Center, Lewiston, Maine
Central Maine Community College, Auburn, Maine
Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, Maine
Maine Fiberarts Gallery, Topsham, Maine
Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts
Exhibit, Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts
Exhibit, Nancy Hemenway Embroidered Textiles, Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston, Maine
Exhibit, Thaw, Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine
Exhibit, Boothbay Region Art Foundation, Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Exhibit, Carpenter Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Exhibit, New England Light, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California
Exhibit, Tipi-Waterfall, part of Frontiers in Fiber: The Americans, U.S. Information Agency exhibit to seven countries in Asia
Exhibit, Aqua Lapis, Farnsworth Museum, Rockland, Maine, and Huntsville Museum, Huntsville, Alabama
Exhibit, Salt Shadow, Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine
Exhibit, Aqua Lapis, Chicago Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois
Exhibit, Berenice Abbott, Mildred Burrage, Nancy Hemenway, Dahlov Ipcar, Louise Nevelson, Joan Whitney Payson Gallery, Westbrook College, Portland, Maine
Exhibit, Thirteen Tapestries by Nancy Hemenway, Wheaton College, Norton Massachusetts (with Amy Gray)
Catalog, Textures of Our Earth: Bayetage Tapestries by Nancy Hemenway, 1972-1977, published by Nimrod Press, Boston
Exhibit, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia
Exhibit, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, Washington
Exhibit, The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C.
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, Alabama
Special Tapestry Project for City of Boston Bicentennial 1975 Lecture Tour for U.S. Department of State of Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa, Rhodesia, and Namibia
Exhibit, Ancient Images of Mexico and the Andes, Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, Alabama
Lecture tour, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
Lecture tour, England, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland
Arts and Science Foundation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 1974 McNay Art Institute, San Antonio, Texas
Exhibit, Ancient Images of Mexico and the Andes, Oklahoma Science and Art Foundation,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
San Antonio, Texas
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Municipal Gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico
Copley Society, Boston, Massachusetts
Exhibit, The Copley Society of Boston, Massachusetts
Exhibit, The Wingspread Gallery, Northeast Harbor, Maine
Exhibit, Municipal Gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico
Exhibit, Maine Coast Artists, Rockport, Maine
Woodmere Art Gallery, Germantown, Pennsylvania
Neiman-Marcus, Dallas, Texas
Film, Pan American Union, Washington,D.C.
Exhibit, Bola Gallery, Mexico City Mexico
Exhibit, The Art Wagon, Scottsdale, Arizona
Exhibit, Creative Stitchery on Hand-Woven Materials from Bolivia by Nancy Hemenway, Pan American Union, Washington, D.C.
National Gallery of Art, La Paz, Bolivia
Founded Embroidery School in Mexico
Invented Bayetage Medium
Exhibit, Wheaton College, Norton, Mass
Exhibit, Paintings by Nancy Hemenway, Bronxville Public Library, New York
Exhibit, Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset, Maine
Group exhibit, Uptown Gallery, New York City
Exhibit, children's portraits, Casa Americana, Madrid
Group exhibit, Uptown Gallery, New York City